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Special Interest Research Group
Previously Funded by Emerging Minds
Stronger Together
Tackling Self-Stigma
Being a young person can be tough, there can be many challenges with different transitions, peer relationships, and perceptions. Young people often internalise negative public attitudes and stereotypes. This is known as self-stigma, for instance, thinking you are a burden due to experiencing mental health issues.
This should not be the case.
Young people should be able to express themselves and their emotions freely without fear of judgement. We have to try and tackle stigma and investigate young people views and negative experiences of mental health together.
We aim to bring together young people, community organisations and researchers to explore understandings of self-stigma in mental health.
Through sharing experiences, we want to drive forward research for positive change for young people and their families.
With the help of Emerging Minds, we aim to improve how research on self-stigma and the mental health of young people can make a positive difference to mental health promotion and prevention.
We would love to hear from you all, and we encourage you to join our Specialist Interest Group on Young People & Self-Stigma in Mental Health. We think it’s crucial to hear from a diverse range of young people on their experiences of self-stigma and mental health. Please get in touch now if you would like to join us by emailing us or you can find our Twitter details by searching Young People & Self-stigma in Mental Health (@yp_MHstigma).
With funding from Emerging Minds, we have created a Special Interest Research Group on Young People & Self-Stigma in Mental Health.
We aim to bring together young people, community organisations and researchers to explore understandings of self-stigma in mental health. Through sharing experiences, we want to drive forward research for positive change for young people and their families.
With the help of Emerging Minds, we aim to improve how research of self-stigma and the mental health of young people can make a positive difference to mental health promotion and prevention.
Find out more about us by reading our 'What We Do' and 'Who We Are' Sections.
Events and Workshops!
The Big Emerging Minds Summit! 2022
Engaging young people as peer researchers in mental health research!
If you missed our workshop, you can read our blog here!
We would love to hear from you all, and we encourage you to join our Specialist Interest Group on Young People & Self-Stigma in Mental Health. We think it’s crucial to hear from a diverse range of young people on their experiences of self-stigma and mental health.
If you would like to join us, please get in touch now by clicking the 'Get Involved' button and emailing us.