As a young person there can be many challenges and obstacles: different transitions, peer relationships, and becoming ever more familiar with the world. Young people may be filled with curiosity, impulsivity and uncertainty, and are vulnerable to experiencing health difficulties.
Young people often experience self-stigma, where they internalise negative attitudes and stereotypes held by the general public. As an example, many young people believe they are a burden due to experiencing mental health issues. This should not be the case. They should be able to feel as though they can express themselves and their emotions freely without any fear around risk of safety or judgement from others. It vital that we explore young people's views and negative experiences of mental illness and mental health self-stigma.
What are we aiming for?
We aim to bring together young people, community organisations and researchers to explore understandings of self-stigma in mental health. Through sharing experiences, we want to drive forward research to make a positive difference to mental health promotion and prevention.
We want to improve how research around self-stigma and the mental health of young people is carried out. We want to reflect on best practices for engaging young people within the research process and in research activities concerning mental health self-stigma. In doing this, we can raise awareness of and challenge, mental health self-stigma. In the future this may look like co-producing resources with young people on how to tackle mental health self-stigma and promote mental health and wellbeing.
Our blogs are aimed at sharing information around self-stigma in mental health, with particular focus on the experiences of young people. Through this you can add comments, personal insights, and discuss the blogs with other viewers. You can also check out the 'resources' page, where we share relevant published articles and short informative videos.
We are funded by Emerging Minds!
Our special interest research group is funded by Emerging Minds. Emerging Minds is a research network with key aims focusing around improving mental health promotion, prevention and early treatment, for children and young people.
You can find out more about Emerging Minds and visit their website by clicking the box below.
Take-Home Message
We would love to hear from you all, and we encourage you to join our Specialist Interest Group on Young People & Self-Stigma in Mental Health. We think it’s crucial to hear from a diverse range of young people on their experiences of self-stigma and mental health.
If you would like to join us, please get in touch now by emailing us: nicola.cogan@strath.ac.uk
You can also support us further through following our Twitter (@yp_MHstigma).